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NoeB Art's world

From the imagination to the paper.

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Featured projects

Captura de pantalla 2019-09-29 a las 18.

Observa't i Actua.

Cancer awareness

This project, created as a team, was carried out for a cancer prevention campaign launched by La Marató of TV3 (Catalan television) in 2018. The idea of this piece was, both to function as an independent video, as part of a joint video of prevention tips, made by other colleagues. We used the Stop Motion technique with clip art animation to animate, Photoshop for the graphic symbols and finally it was edited and voiced with Premiere.
(Watch it below)

The trickster tricked.

A combination of methods.

This project is an animation of one of the gags of the Catalan comedy group known as "El Triangle". During the entire work process, different digital programs were used in order to use what was best possible so that the animation turned out well. The character was designed in Illustrator and animated in Animate, and the light effects and voicing were done in After Effects.
(Watch it below)

Captura de pantalla 2019-09-29 a las 18.
Captura de pantalla 2021-01-31 a las 20.

The Greatest Showman End Credits.

2D Animation in all it ways.

This is the final project I made for my certificate of higher education in audiovisual animation 2D and 3D. Was made in an 8 months period from the first idea and concept art till the final retouch. All the animation process was made with different programs in order to use what was best for the final result. I created the different scenarios and character in Procreate, the animation was made frame by frame in Photoshop from the rough till the color, the special effects were made in After Effects and the music edition and the final voicing was made in Premiere Pro.
(Watch it below)


A fight for hygiene

This Stop Motion project is the result of 7 months of hard work as a team. Due to Covid-19 we had to stop filming the project in the middle of the production and we couldn't go back to the art school to finish it, so we took what we had and assembled a trailer instead of a full short film. Luckily the months we were to work we organized ourselves well as a team and recorded enough material to be able to work with it once we stayed home.
All the piece was recorded with "Camera Raw", edited in After Effects, and assembled and voiced in Premiere Pro.
(Watch it below)

Captura de pantalla 2021-01-31 a las 20.
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